Friday, November 26, 2010


Genre : Atmospheric Dark/Death Doom Metal
Origin : Ukraine, Zaporizhia
Formed in : 2007
Status : Active
Official Website :

Line-up :

Vitaliy Yavnov - Vocals
Nikolay Shekel - Guitar
Alexandr Shirinskiy - Guitar
Stanislav Cheshenko - Bass
Alexandr Kuznetsov - Drums
Elena Shekel - Keyboards

For more information about the band, click here

Releases :

“Preludiya Bor'by” 2008 (Demo)

Tracklist :

1.  Nenavist' i Bol' / Hate and Pain 4:47 
2. Bor'ba / The Strife 5:18 
3. Krovavie Nebesa / Bloody Heavens 4:01

Total playing time : 14:06

“Poroki” 2009 (Single)

Tracklist :

Poroki / Malice 6:00

Total playing time : 6:00

“Bremya chelovecheskih strasteiy” / “The Burden of Human Passions” 2010 (Full-length)

Tracklist :

1. (Intro) Letargia / Lethargy 3:28 
2. Nenavist' i Bol' / Hate and Pain 5:05 
3. Dva Angela / Two Angels 4:22 
4. Krovavie Nebesa / Bloody Heavens 4:14 
5. Bor'ba / The Strife 5:25 
6. Gnev Dushy / Rage of Soul 3:58 
7. Poroki / Malice 5:58 
8. Naveki Vmeste / Together Forever 4:47 
9. V Ob'yatiyah Tishiny / Embraced by Silence 6:54 
10. Shag v Nikuda (Outro) / Step into Nowhere 1:59 

Total playing time : 46:10

“Cult of personality” 2011 (EP)

Tracklist :

1. Траур похороненных сердец
2. Скорбь Сатаны
3. Мистика любви
4. Я сожалею...

Total playing time : 30:03